Exam Preparation – Karate | Self-Defense | Kickboxing | MMA
karate | Martial art

Exam Preparation

Style Name- Shito-Ryu Karate Sports of india
Note:-If a student skips one or more belts, then the amount of belt left will also be added to the belt amount and paid.
यदि कोई छात्र एक या अधिक बेल्ट को छोड़ देता है, तो शेष बेल्ट की राशि को भी बेल्ट राशि में जोड़ा जाएगा और भुगतान किया जाएगा।
in result 50% marks students fail
70% Mark Improve practice
80% Mark Good performance
90% to 100% Mark Best performance
Yellow Belt1) 400 Punches
2) 100 Kick’s ( Front Kick –Mae Geri )
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
4) G.k -6 Question -Answer
A. Uniform-Karate Gi
B. Class-Dojo
C. Punch- ZUKI
D.India technical director of sksi Shihan Dushyant saini
5) Basic Fight

Yellow =1000/-Rs
Orange Belt 1) 600 Punches
2) 200 Kick’s (Front Kick -Mae Geri) (Round Kick -Mawashi Geri)
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
4) G.k -8 Question -Answer
5) First Kata
6) Fight

Orange =2000/-Rs
Green Belt 1) 800 Punches
2) 400 Kick’s ( Mae Geri ,Mawashi Geri )
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
4) G.k -8 Question -Answer
5) Second Kata
5) Kata 1 to 5
6) Fight

S.Green Belt 1) 1000 Punches
2) 300 Kick’s (Front Kick -Mae Geri) (Round Kick -Mawashi Geri) (Side Kick -Yoko Geri)
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
4) G.k -8 Question -Answer
5) Kata 1 to 5
6) Fight

S. Green 2200/-Rs
Brown Belt 1) 2000 Punches
2) 500 Kick’s ( Mae Geri ,Mawashi Geri/)
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
4) G.k -12 Question -Answer
5) Kata 1 to 6
6) Fight

S.Brown Belt 1) 2500 Punches
2) 500 Kick’s ( Mae Geri ,Mawashi Geri )
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
4) G.k -12 Question -Answer
5) Kata 1 to 7
6) Fight

S.brown. =2700/-Rs
S.M.Brown Belt 1) 2000 Punches
2) 500 Kick’s ( Mae Geri ,Mawashi Geri )
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
Moto-dachi (基立,
Kosa-dachi (交差立,
Han Zenkutsu-dachi (半前屈立, half zenkutsu),
4) G.k -15 Question -Answer
5) Kata 1 to 7
6) Advanced Fight

S. M. Brown =3000/-Rs
Black Belt1) 3000 Punches,1000 Stamina Punches,
2) 800 Kick’s ( Mae Geri ,Mawashi Geri, Yoko Geri  ,Back Kick -Ushiro Geri) )
3) Musubi-dachi (結び立,
Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,
Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)
Hachiji-dachi (八字立,
Moto-dachi (基立,
Kosa-dachi (交差立,
Han Zenkutsu-dachi (半前屈立, half zenkutsu),
Kiba-dachi (騎馬立, horse stance or rider stance)
Shiko-dachi (四股立
Nekoashi-dachi (猫足立,
4) G.k -20 Question -Answer
5) Kata 1 to 11
6) Advanced Fight
7) Breaking
8) Basic Nunchaku moves
Black Belt=8000/-Rs

Thousands of hours of traininghundreds of classesyears of sweatcountless bumps and bruises and one BLACK BELT
हजारों घंटे का प्रशिक्षण, सैकड़ों कक्षाएं, वर्षों का पसीना, अनगिनत धक्कों और चोटों और एक ब्लैक बेल्ट
 Senpai (senior student) or Sensei (teacher).
HAJME Begin. A command given to start a given drill, Kata, or Kumite.
HEIKO DACHIA natural stance. Feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with feet pointed straight forward. Some Kata begin from this position.
DANDegree. Black Belt rank
DOJO The place where we practice Karate
KARATE GI Karate Uniform
Tatamikarate mats ,tatami size 88 meter 1 mat:- size 11 meter
Three part of body1)Jodan
Q.Which colour wear Aaka In fight?
Ans:-Red colour gloves,Red belt,Red singarud
Q.Which colour wear aao in fight ?
Ans:-Bule gloves,
WKF Full Name World Karate Federation
AKF Asian karate do Federation
SAKFSouth Asian karate do Federation
7 scoring areaA) head
B) face
C) chest
D) stomach
E) neck
F) back
G) side back
Dachi name:-1)Zenkutsu
2)Kiba dachi
3)Musubi dachi
4)Heiko dachi
5)Shiko dachi
6)Kosa dachi
7)Moto dachi
8)Sanchin dachi
9)Neko ashi dachi
Referee penal:-
1 referee
4 judges
1 kansa
1 tatami manager
3 official table
a) time keeper
b) scorer
c) announcer

Sub junior :- Belowto 12 years play with age
Cadet:- 13,14,15
Junior:- 16,17,18
Senior:- +18 play only with weights
Mat:- tatami size 88 meter 1 mat:- size 11 meter
7th Kyu – Yellow belt
6th Kyu – Orange belt
5th Kyu – Green belt
4th Kyu – S.Green belt
3rd Kyu – Brown belt
2nd Kyu – S.Brown belt
1st Kyu – S.M.Brown belt
Black belt
1st Dan Shodan 初段2nd Dan Nidan 二段/弐段
3rd Dan Sandan 三段/参段
4th Dan Yondan 四段
5th Dan Godan 五段
6th Dan Rokudan 六段
7th Dan Nanadan 七段
8th Dan Hachidan 八段 Red/White
9th Dan Kudan 九段 Red Belt (for formal occasions)
10th Dan Judan 十段 Red Belt

Karate stances

Karate has many different stances each used to for different types of power and movement. In Japanese the general term is {{Nihongo| ( Dachi) 

Musubi-dachi (結び立,

Heisoku-dachi (閉足立,

Musubi-dachi-heiko (結び立-平行)

Hachiji-dachi (八字立,

Moto-dachi (基立,

Kosa-dachi (交差立,

Han Zenkutsu-dachi (半前屈立, half zenkutsu),

Kiba-dachi (騎馬立, horse stance or rider stance)

Shiko-dachi (四股立

Nekoashi-dachi (猫足立,


Mae Geri

Mawashi Geri

Ura Mawashi Geri

Ushiro Mawashi Geri

Yoko Geri 

kakato geri is the ”  hammer kick

Players & Equipment

Competitors are placed into categories according to their weight and maybe their age in the case of junior competitions. All competitors in Karate kumite competitions are required to wear a traditional Karate suit known as a gi and this should be plain and without stripes or embroidery. Instead of wearing the belt colour that signifies their rank, one contestant wears a red belt and the other a blue belt to help distinguish them. Other prescribed pieces of equipment are:

  • A gum shield
  • Body protection (and extra chest protection for females)
  • Shin pads
  • Foot protectors

Groin guards can be worn but are not mandatory.

Fight Scoring

karate fight tatami

Scoring in Karate competitions is relatively simple. Scoring is limited to the following areas of the opponent’s body:

  • Head
  • Face
  • Back-Neck
  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Side
  • Back

A score is awarded when one fighter performs a technique that conforms to the following criteria and the blow lands on a relevant scoring area of their opponent’s body:

  • Good form
  • Vigorous application
  • Good timing
  • Accurate distance
  • Awareness
  • Sporting attitude

Fighters can score one, two or three points for attacking techniques:

3-Ippon (three points) is awarded for:

  • A jodan kick (kick to upper level)
  • Any scoring technique performed on a fallen or thrown opponent

2-Waza-ari (two points) is awarded for:

  • Chudan (mid level) kicks

1 -Yuko (one point) is awarded for:

  • Chudan or Jodan Tsuki (mid or upper level punch)

There are three degrees of warning; CHUKOKU, KEIKOKU and HANSOKU CHUI.

Rules of Karate

  • Karate Kumite matches take place on a matted square of 8m x 8m with an additional 1m on all sides that is called the safety area.
  • Once the referee and judges have taken their places, competitors should exchange bows.
  • The fight starts when the referee shouts “SHOBU HAJIME!”
  • Both fighters should attempt scoring techniques (punches, kicks and throws) on their opponent. These are classified as Yuko, Waza-ari and Ippon and are one, two and three points respectively.
  • If the referee deems a scoring technique may have been used, the referee shouts YAME and the contestants, judges and referee all resume their original positions.
  • The judges will then indicate their opinion by means of a signal and if a score is to be awarded, the referee identifies the contents and the area that they attacked and then awards them the relevant socire (Yuko, Waza-ari or Ippon) and then restarts the bout by shouting “TSUZUKETE HAJIME!”

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