National Federation Approved R2F Martial Art Academy
Karate & Martial Art’s are an excellent sport’s to start learning for those between the ages of 3.5 Year to 45 Year.
R2F Give Plate form District, State, National & International , School Game/University Game, Open tournament.

After Payment send payment Receipt Coach Number.
Registration Fee =1000/-

- R2F Rules:-
- Always have your attendance card before entering class.
- Focus your eyes on your instructor.
- Do not wear jewelry of any kind.
- Always place your shoes in changing areas.
- Always refer to senior ranks by their title: ie Senpai.
- Obey all dojo rules. These rules are critical to your mental and physical training. Eligibility for promotional will be based on compliance to these standards.
- Be punctual about your scheduled practices and meetings. The time set for an event to begin is the time you should be in your gi, warmed up, and ready to start.
- Wear your Martial art uniform properly, it should always be neat and clean. Your Martial art uniform should be in good care. NEVER wash your belt.
- Students should not consume any food or drink, tobacco products or chewing gum in the Dojo.
- No unattended or supervised children are permitted.
- Students should strictly follow class timings and should not take unnecessary breaks in between, except in case of emergency, that too after receiving permission from Sensei or assistant instructor.
- The spirit of fair play; to fight fair and to be obedient to the referee’s judgment. Attach more importance to what you learned rather than the results.
- Contribute to keeping the dojo in repair and in clean condition.
- Enjoy your training!